The metaphor of a butterfly is a very commonly used metaphor when talking about our journey in this life.
Butterflies go through a complete metamorphosis to reach adulthood. Four life stages from The Egg, to The Larva (caterpillar), then Chrysalis (Pupa) to finally an Adult butterfly. Each stage has a different goal and aim.
The Chrysalis is one of the more interesting stages, as inside it, the caterpillar is mysteriously changing. You cannot see this change from the outside. Within the chrysalis the old body parts are undergoing a full transformation or metamorphosis. Tissues, organs, limbs will be changed in the process….and the end result is a completely different creation with beautiful wings to let fly.
It`s absolutely magical, if you ask me.
What I also find magical is how similar this process is to the developmental stages of our human life cycle.
We go through several stages over a lifetime with commonly difficult transitional periods (crises). It`s almost like growing pains.
Every stage has it’s own characteristics and goals that we unconsciously try to achieve. As the journey of the butterfly finalises into a beautiful creature...
our journey can result in us getting to know ourselves more, finding the real, true self within, finding purpose and even becoming wiser and beautiful within.
In a way, we become more conscious of who we truly are.
The difference is that with humans, the pace can be individually different. So at the end of our life, we don`t necessarily die at the same stage. Some progress further, while others are going along the journey slower. Of course, it`s not a competition!
There is no right or wrong here…as long as we know that we are all on a journey, and there is a pattern to it. Just like the stages of the Butterfly lifecycle, we are also going through life stages. As we move along the path, we meet people who are further ahead or behind in their own lifecycle. Our responsibility is to help and share our experiences and shine the light for those who are behind us on the path.
So if you think your struggles are unique, think again.
I assure you, you can find others who went through very similar things. Yes, the circumstances can change, but the pattern and structure remain the same.
Knowing this, let`s share our experiences with others, help and inspire each other in order to move the world forward. That`s our responsibility…wherever we are on our journey :).